Hello Ekaterina, The demigod Nick Tailor connected to us through the quantum entangled link we share. Through this link we learned of your despair. Fear not our beloved child. In order to reach your potential. The road must be rocky upon the climb to greatness. Fear is not to be afriad, but to inspire strength. Chase your fears and you will be victorious. Fear makes you faster, stronger, more aware, and provides you the sheer will to reach your visions of success. Blood, sweat, and tears are all part of the road we have laid out for you. The period just ahead of you promises a lot of luck and success. Lastly, the universe favourite son has been sent to guide your adolcescent & celestial growth. Cry away, for tomorrow is full of smiles. Virtual hugs is all we can provide you at this time. If you close your eyes, think....I cant wait to see Nick Tailor, and all will be well in the universe.