Grand Cross, or Grand Square
A combination of planetary aspects that involves all four signs of one particular quality: Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable. Planets in each sign form stressful aspects to all the other planets, which imply great difficulty in making use of whatever energies are associated with that particular quality.
The third sign of the Zodiac; Gemini is an air sign and is ruled by the planet Mercury. Its symbol is the Twins, and key words for Gemini are flexible, restless, lively, alert, sociable, and logical.
Grand Trine
A combination of planetary aspects that involves all three signs of one particular element: Fire, Earth, Air, or Water. Planets in each sign form harmonious aspects to all the other planets, which imply unusual ease in making use of whatever energies are associated with that particular element.
Horary Astrology
A technique for answering specific questions by erecting a chart for the exact moment a question is asked, then reading that chart for the purpose of finding an answer to that question.
The twelve divisions of the Natal Chart, counted counterclockwise from the Ascendant or Rising Sign, representing different departments of life and their development throughout life. They are associated with the twelve signs, but their function is different.
The fifth planet from the Sun, and the largest planet in the Solar System. In astrology, Jupiter is associated with benevolence, abundance, success, joy, happiness, and good fortune. It tends to exaggerate the effect of any planet with which it is in aspect. It rules the sign Sagittarius.
In Hinduism and Buddhism, refers to the consequences of one's own actions and how they affects the nature of one's existence.
The fifth sign of the Zodiac, Leo is a fire sign and is ruled by the Sun. Its symbol is the Lion, and key words for Leo are proud, speculative, honorable, confident, flamboyant, and dramatic.
The seventh sign of the Zodiac; Libra is an air sign and is ruled by the planet Venus. Its symbol is the Scales, and key words for Libra are idealistic, diplomatic, refined, gracious, kind, and extroverted.
Lunar Mansion
Most often used in Hindu astrology and also referred to as nakshatras, one of 27 sections in the sky measuring 13 degrees each through which the Moon passes during its monthly cycle; mansions are identified by the prominent stars in each section of the Moon's passage and are given names that represent potential growth while the Moon is in each particular section.