Painting of any kind indicates that the dreamer is about to embark on a project very important to him or her. Discerning the circumstances of that project, and the details, are dependent on other symbols in the dream.
1. Dreaming of a house being painted indicates that information previously kept from you will soon come to light.
2. If you dream of being an artist and painting a picture that is beautiful and happy, then you have the power to create whatever circumstances you want the most in life. A dark, foreboding painting, however, indicates a pessimistic outlook on life, and therapy might be of great assistance.
3. If you watch while someone else paints a picture, you may have the feeling of being on the outside looking in and need to take control of your life - again, depending on the atmosphere, circumstances, and other symbols in the dream.
1. A sense of inability to act in a given situation, usually with regard to love. If the paralysis was total, then the dream may fear taking a certain action. It could be whether or not to declare his love, propose marriage, or break up. If the paralysis was only partial, sexual inhibitions could be the problem.
2. The dreamer may feel inhibited or blocked from moving ahead with plans for major changes in her life due to circumstances beyond her control.
Astrological parallel: Saturn
Tarot parallels: The Pope, or Hierophant
The "City of Lights." If you, in fact, live in Paris, the location of the dream has little meaning, but if you don't, it's quite significant. 1. Paris has for two millennia been considered a major center of culture and enlightenment for the entire Western world. To dream of being in Paris, strolling through the Louvre or the Musee d'Orsay or attending the Opera, therefore, indicates a time of learning, cultural appreciation. Visiting the great Cathedrals such as Notre Dame or Sacre Coeur implies spiritual progress.
2. Paris is also considered one of the happiest cities in the world. Dreaming of visiting the clubs or artistes of Montmartre or the Latin Quarter indicates an increased social life and happy times ahead.
Dreaming of a father symbolizes authority and discipline, while a dream of a mother symbolize love and protection - depending, of course, on how the dreamer felt about his or her parents. If the parents are still living, perhaps you need to contact them. If the parents have passed on, then they could be bringing you an important message. Dreaming of one's parents is perhaps the most subjective dream symbol of all. The dreamer's relationships with his or her parents, as well as the other symbols in the dream, need to be considered before a workable interpretation can be found.
Astrological parallels: Saturn (father) and the Moon (mother)
Tarot parallels: The Emperor, The Empress
1. Dreaming of a huge, erect, and disembodied penis is an ancient religious symbol for the Creator, like the Shiva lingam of Hinduism - and thus represents creative power, particularly male creative power.
2. Viewing a naked man whom you actually know in waking life hints that someone you know is going to reveal all to you - perhaps more than you want to hear.
3. If you're a woman dreaming of making love to a man, there is a guy out there who would like very much to get closer to you.
4. If you are a straight man dreaming of being in bed with another man, this doesn't necessarily mean that you're changing your sexual preference, but it does mean that you could very soon find yourself doing something that you're not normally inclined to do.
Love. Compassion. The attainment of a dream.
1. Discussing politics with someone of your own gender is an omen of success ahead. However, if the politician in your dream was of the opposite sex, you might be better off changing your course of action, because the present one will lead to nothing. What changes you should make are indicated by other symbols in the dream.
2. Dreaming of a politician - any politician, even one you like - making a speech in which he or she makes idealistic promises is another sign that you should change direction, as your plans won't work out if you continue on the course you're on now.
1. New life; creativity; new enterprises.
2. Revelation and inspiration.
3. The coming of spring; something new happening at the coming of spring.
Astrological parallel: Cancer, Pisces, Aries
Tarot parallel: The Empress
Spirituality; status in one's own circle. Increased social life, or the desire for same.
1. In British mythology, a symbol of fertility, fecundity, and sexual pleasure. The ancient British fertility goddess Oestre, from whose name we get our word Easter, had a pet hare that laid its egg every Spring Equinox so that life would spread throughout the world. Dreaming of a rabbit, therefore, especially one that is affectionate and at ease with you, can be a sign of love and domestic happiness ahead.
2. Dreaming of many rabbits is a sign of new responsibilities - but not unwelcome ones. A new and wonderful opportunity will come your way - but you'll enjoy the work required to accomplish it instead of viewing it as a chore.
3. In Native American mythology, Rabbit is a symbol of needless fear. Therefore, dreaming of a rabbit that is afraid of you means that something in your life is troubling you now - and that your fears are groundless.
1. If the rain is a gentle one, and especially if rainbows are present, this is a positive symbol, foreshadowing the coming of a peaceful interlude and much happiness.
2. If the rain is heavy, this indicates a change in the dreamer's financial fortunes. Depending on his circumstances, it could be a windfall or a major setback.
3. A major thunderstorm with thunder and lightning indicates a sudden and unexpected increase in wealth, possibly through a legacy.
Astrological parallel: Venus
Tarot parallel: The Wheel of Fortune
Always a positive symbol. No matter what the rest of the dream implies, if the dream ends with a rainbow, particularly if you find the pot of gold, the dream is a portent of the end of all your troubles followed by much happiness.
1. Dreaming of a black or brown rat is a sign of illness or treachery ahead. In European tradition, rats are associated with theft of foodstuffs and the spread of disease, and therefore seeing brown or black rats running free is a warning to see your doctor and to be careful whom you trust.
2. Seeing brown or black rats in cages, however, is a sign that small irritations in your life will be dealt with. Catching a rat in a trap indicates freedom from worry and a release of tension.
3. White rats, on the other hand, are a sign of protection from beneficent forces or entities around you.
1. A dream of reading a book augurs the collection of knowledge and the resulting progress in whatever department of life the dreamer is concentrating on now.
2. Dreaming of getting a psychic reading indicates an important message. It's important to write these dreams down, as the first thing dreamers usually forget are what's said in the dream.
Good news. Passion. Anger. A warning to control your temper.
Astrological parallel: Aries.
Religious Icon
1. If the icon featured a portrait of a saint or other religious figure, find out what tradition is associated with that person. For example, if the saint was St. Christopher, then you may be on your way to taking a long journey. If the saint was St. Jude, something wonderful and totally unexpected will happen. If the portrait was of the Virgin Mary, someone will intercede for you in a disagreement and put it to an end.
2. Icons in general seem to bring a message that coming changes in your life, however stressful they may be, are beneficial and can be dealt with fairly easily.
Robber, Robbery (see Stealing)
1. If the dreamer is concerned about safety, security, and financial affairs, this dream could reflect those fears. Whether the fear - that someone in some way is going to rip you off - is real or not depends on the circumstances and other symbols in the dream.
2. If the dreamer is looking for love, this could represent a warning: The dreamer could meet and fall for someone fascinating, but who has an agenda of his or her own and could end up breaking the dreamer's heart.
Running (away from something)
Something in the dreamer's life is difficult to face, and the dreamer would rather run away from it than face it. If such a situation is not readily recognized by the dreamer, looking to the other symbols in the dream should give the answer.
Astrological parallel: Pisces