1. An open gate is a harbinger of promising opportunities in the near future.
2. Dreaming of a closed gate is an obstacle dream. However, the obstacles can be overcome if you work hard at it. To judge exactly what obstacles you face, look to other symbols in the dream.
3. A locked gate implies obstacles that are practically impassible, unless in the dream you also find ways to go over it, under it, or around it. In the latter case, success is practically guaranteed.
Dreaming of playing games traditionally means a time of relaxation and ease, wherein one can regather his or her resources. But in this day and age, it could be a pun, indicating that someone is "playing games" with you. Watching a game hints at feelings of being on the outside looking in - or possibly feelings that you're sitting on the sidelines while life passes you by. If you're playing and enjoying a game, then life will be good to you. But if you're frustrated by it, expect a few setbacks.
A dream of contrary, usually a positive omen. Taking out the garbage symbolizes jettisoning all the "garbage" in your life that is holding you back from success. Walking through or past garbage indicates passing by or over negative influences and thus heading for happiness and good fortune.
1. Dreaming of a haunted house indicates that guilt from the past is holding you back from accomplishing something you really want. Actually seeing a ghost, however, is an omen of good luck.
2. If you are frightened by a ghost, this could mean that mistakes in your past have "come back to haunt you." It could also mean that intense pressure to do something against your principles could be put upon you by someone in a position of authority.
3. If the ghost is someone known to you who has passed on and who speaks to you, listen. The message is important. See Dying.
1. A reflection of the "David and Goliath" archetype. Dreaming of meeting a giant implies meeting challenges boldly and with confidence. Killing a giant is an omen of success beyond your wildest dreams.
2. Dreaming of being a giant sometimes indicates overconfidence. Be cautious of any new enterprises at this time.
1. Receiving a gift can mean either a lucky break or a betrayal - a warning of "Greeks bearing gifts" - depending on the circumstances and/or other symbols in the dream.
2. Giving a gift, however, is always a symbol of happy times ahead.
Depending on the circumstances and other symbols, dreaming of a young girl is generally a positive omen. If you know her, and the other dream symbols support it, this is a portent of new opportunities; if she is a stranger, expect some surprising news. For a woman, a strange girl can represent her youthful side; for a man, she could represent his ideal lover.
Girl Scout
1. If you were the Boy or Girl Scout, you will soon be called upon to provide assistance for a friend or relative.
2. If a Boy Scout guides you somewhere, your intellect is leading you toward new experiences. If a Girl Scout guides you, then your supportive mind (emotions and intuition) will lead you to the new experiences. For what those experiences might be, look to other symbols in the dream.
The significance of this dream depends on whether or not the dreamer normally wears glasses. If he or she does normally wear glasses, this aspect of the dream has little significance. But for someone who does not wear glasses, dreaming of wearing glasses is a sign that things that are confusing now will become clearer very soon - unless it's sunglasses, in which case things may become more obscure. Again, if you're not certain what it is that will become either clearer or more obscure, look to the other symbols in the dream.
A symbol of security. If the gloves are brand-new, this symbolizes financial security; if the gloves are long evening-type gloves, or gauntlets, this means security in love matters. Losing gloves indicates temporary setbacks, and dirty or worn-out gloves imply difficulties, but all still imply security in the long run.
God, Goddess
A sense of the presence of God or Goddess in a dream is an augur of spiritual revelation and advancement, esoteric insights, and peace of mind. The meaning of dreams of pagan gods depends on the association with that god.
Dreaming of this gentle, kindhearted animal almost always signifies a new friendship, or the reaffirming of an old friendship. Even if the gorilla appears to be on the rampage, this is still a positive symbol. A gorilla that is angry or upset merely indicates minor misunderstandings with a friend.
Another symbol of Earth's bounty. Dreams of grain are almost always harbingers of prosperity and happiness, unless the grain is burning or spoiled. In that case, a setback could be in the works, but still, grain is such a positive symbol that the setback in question should be easily resolved.
Grass (Lawn)
A healthy, well-kept lawn or other stretch of grass augurs success and prosperity, while sunburnt, blackened, or dead grass indicates financial setbacks. To dream of planting, sowing or sodding grass indicates that you'll have to work very hard to attain your goals, while cutting or mowing grass implies attaining security but nothing much beyond that.
A symbol of hope for the future. If the dreamer actually has grandchildren, this is a very personal symbol, implying that the future of the family is pretty much secure. If the dreamer does not have grandchildren, it indicates that the dreamer's own future is bright and promising. If the dream is of someone else's grandchildren, then the dream is more cosmic in its scope: the world is NOT going to go totally down the tubes.
A symbol of knowledge and wisdom, as well as security and protection.
A grandfather also represents knowledge and wisdom, but with a touch of authority and tradition thrown in.
Gray is a rather depressing color; some mystics believe it to be the color of the aura of a prison. Some sources believe it to indicate a slow period in the dreamer's life, when he or she is merely "marking time."
Peace. Tranquillity. The Earth. Money. A journey. Good news.
Astrological parallel: Taurus
1. In Freudian dream analysis, a symbol for physical passion. If the dreamer is the one doing the shooting, then he is consciously or unconsciously searching for a partner. If the dreamer is the one being shot, someone out there feels desire for him.
2. The release, or need for release, of pent-up anger. Again, if the dreamer is doing the shooting, she needs to control her temper and find a positive way to release her anger. If she is the victim, then someone is angry with her.
3. Something important coming up, implying a need to "get out the big guns."
Astrological parallel: Mars/Uranus combinations
Tarot parallel: The Tower
1. Dreaming of a female gypsy fortuneteller indicates unexpected good news, while dreaming of a male gypsy, usually a musician, foreshadows romance.
2. If the dreamer saw a band of gypsies, particularly if they were traveling in caravans, a move may be in store, or perhaps a period of uncertainty and insecurity.
3. Buying something from a gypsy indicates good luck after a period of uncertainty.
A series of misfortunes lie ahead that could place your present goals in jeopardy. Look to the other symbols in the dream to judge which goals they are, or how to avert the misfortunes and save your projects.
1. An ancient symbol for strength and power. See BALD. Thick, luxuriant hair is a symbol for good health, and thin, wispy hair a sign of oncoming illness.
2. Brushing or combing the hair indicates finding the solution to a problem. Dreaming of someone pulling your hair implies betrayal.
Astrological parallel: Leo
Tarot parallel: Strength
1. A hand that is open and pointing towards the sky is giving the "Fear not!" gesture of ancient times. Therefore, if you see this symbol, whether the hand is of a person or is totally disembodied, something that you're afraid of is actually nothing to fear.
2. Beautiful, well-kept hands indicate satisfaction in life, while dirty hands indicate some kind of "mess" in your life that needs to be "cleaned up."
3. Hands that are working diligently indicate success and good fortune through the dreamer's own efforts.
4. Hands that caress the dreamer or someone else in the dream, including a pet, imply happiness in love, while hands that are waving in farewell indicate temporary separations.
5. Tied hands imply obstacles in attaining one's goals, while shaking hands imply either a new friend or a reunion with an old one.
6. Injured or bandaged hands indicates delays in attaining one's goals; look to other symbols in the dream to discern how these delays can be subverted, or, if they're inevitable, how best the time during the delays can be spent.
1. If the hat is new, the dreamer may be considering a new job - and should go for it. If the hat is old and shabby, the dreamer's current job will eventually "get old."
2. If the hat is too small for the dreamer, something in his life for which he had high hopes could turn out to be a disappointment. But if the hat is too large, he has bitten off more than he could chew.
3. A top hat or fashionable ladies' hat indicates a rise in social status.
In Native American mythology, the hawk is the messenger. Therefore, if the hawk seems to be friendly, an important and probably positive message will come your way. Other symbols in the dream can reveal what that message concerns. Hawk can also indicate an important opportunity coming your way. If the hawk seems forbidding, however, this is a warning to take care of your emotional baggage before seizing whatever new opportunity comes your way.
1. If the dreamer is doing the hiding, there is a part of him that is "hidden," even from him, that perhaps needs to come to the surface and be looked at.
2. If the dreamer hides an object from someone else, then he is concealing something that perhaps needs to be revealed.
3. If the dreamer is searching for someone or something, there is something missing, either an idea or an actual object, that she needs to find and make use of. Other symbols in the dream could reveal exactly what that is.
Astrological parallels: Pluto, Scorpio
Tarot parallel: The Moon
A symbol of total powerlessness.
1. If the dreamer is the homeless one, then he or she is facing an unpleasant situation, which seems to have no solution. But if, in the dream, the weather is good, the dreamer has more strength than he or she thinks. If the weather is bad, however, there is little or no hope, and it might be best if the dreamer just cuts the losses and moves on.
2. If the dreamer sees a band of homeless people, then this is a dream of contrary. The dreamer may not be aware of it, but there are people around who care for him and are willing to help him out of his difficulties.
1. To put ice into a drink indicates that perhaps the dreamer is spending too much time indulging in pleasures and not enough on practical matters. However, to be surrounded by ice, or to sit on it, implies comfortable living ahead that has been well earned.
2. Slipping on ice or falling through thin ice implies difficulties and obstacles ahead, while deliberately breaking through ice indicates new friendships. Remember the metaphor, "breaking the ice"?
3. Skating on ice alone indicates success ahead, but skating with a partner COULD mean that someone is sabotaging your efforts. Or it could mean a successful partnership. To judge which it is, look to other symbols in the dream.
1. Often times, dreaming of illness has been shown to be a warning of an impending illness, the nature of which is sometimes revealed in the other symbols in the dream. If the dreamer has been feeling weak, or under a lot of stress, she should consult a doctor.
2. If the dreamer has not been feeling ill, this is a symptom of something else in your life being out of kilter. Again, look to the other symbols in the dream.
3. Dreaming of others being ill is a warning of upcoming difficulties with your relationships.
Astrological parallels: Pisces, Neptune
Tarot parallel: The Moon
1. If the dreamer is the one being unfaithful, then he is dealing with feelings of guilt over an apparent betrayal.
2. If an actual lover is the one being unfaithful, then this indicates the dreamer's insecurities over the relationship. The partner may or may not actually be unfaithful, but either way the dreamer needs to deal with her feelings.
3. If an unknown figure is the one being unfaithful, then the dreamer needs to be more discriminating with regard to who she calls friend.
Astrological parallel: Mars/Pluto combinations
Tarot parallel: The Devil